Child Centered Community Development Program

AAK regards children as the prime catalysts for change in the wake of continuing rural health and education reform. The focal points of CCCD are: 

  1. Child Participation –

  • Build capacity for the youth (especially female) to organize and express themselves as active citizens.

  • Engage children in monitoring the implementation of child rights by the govt.

  • Create an enabling environment for child participation at all levels (through aptitude and attitude change among duty bearers).

Child Personality Development

  1. Child Protection-

  • Improve knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among children and parents on child abuse, female foeticide, child marriage and gender based violence.

  • Promote community based child protection and its effective integration into the state / national child protection system.

  • Improve child protection, legislation and policies.

    3. Disaster Risk Reduction-

  • Strengthen capacity of communities to reduce risk and be prepared for disasters and minimize impacts on children.
  • Build capacity of staff on disaster risk reduction and enhancing response mechanism to make programs more disaster risk sensitive.
  • Prepare communities and children to mitigate the impact of climate change.

                                                                Monthly Planning Map in a village

  1. Early childhood care and development –

  • Enhance awareness on care giving practices for children aged 0-3 years for their holistic development.

  • Enhance ECE/ ECD services and school readiness among children aged 3-6 years.

                                                           Social Mapping in a village

  1. Education –

  • Facilitate completion of 10 years of quality education through improved access to quality education, enhanced quality of class rooms and increased transition to higher levels of education.

  1. Optimal Health –

  • Improve maternal health by enabling women access to knowledge and quality health services.

  • Improve nutritional status of malnourished children and promote child health through community and govt. engagement.

  • Increase access to information and capacity building to exhibit responsive health seeking behavior and system strengthening mechanism for sexual reproductive health.

  1. Household Economic Security-

  • Promote access to formal financial services ( savings, credits, insurance and remittance ) specially for women.

  • Prepare young men and women to get formal employment or self employment through market oriented vocational, business development and life skills training.

  • Increase children and young people’s access to food to meet their dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

  1. Water ,Environment and Sanitation –

  • Facilitate availability of water and sanitation facilities in preschool, primary and secondary school for all girls and boys.

  • Support all families to improve their hygienic practices including disposal of human and other waste.

  • Enable children and communities access safe drinking water supply by making them aware about govt. schemes, policies and provisions.

Community Meeting at a village

Coverage of the Project: Name of Blocks/Gram Panchayats/Villages

Program Outcomes

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Case Study 3

Case Study 4

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